Cookie Policy​

Effective Date: 09-September-2023

Cookie Usage

In regards to cookies, Zero Drive Accessories and Services Inc. does not employ any cookies on our website.

Email Communication

If you wish to cease receiving future emails from us, please inform us by sending an email to the provided address.

Sharing Email Address

Periodically, we may share the email addresses of site visitors with reputable organizations offering products or services we believe may be of interest. If you prefer that your email address not be shared, kindly notify us by calling the provided number.

Postal Address and Telephone Contact

If you provide your postal address, you will only receive information related to the details you provided. Similarly, individuals who provide telephone numbers online will only be contacted regarding their online orders.

Opt-Out Request

To have your name and phone number removed from our shared list with other organizations, please provide us with your name and phone number.

Changes and Notification

Occasionally, we may utilize customer information for new and unforeseen purposes not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. Any changes to our information practices will be posted on our website to notify you of these modifications and provide you with the option to opt out of new uses.

Information Correction and Access

Customers can prevent their information from being used for purposes other than the original collection by contacting us via email at the provided address. Upon request, we offer site visitors access to a description of the information we hold about them and the ability to correct inaccuracies in their contact information.

Security Measures

For the secure transfer and receipt of sensitive information, such as financial or health information, we redirect visitors to a secure server. Visitors are notified through a pop-up screen on our site during these transactions.

Information Policy Concerns

If you believe this site is not adhering to its stated information policy, please contact us using the provided addresses or phone number.

Thank you for choosing Zero Drive Accessories and Services Inc.

This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies.
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