Privacy Policy
Surrey BC, V3T 0B7
Contact Information
Telephone: +1(604)369-1619
Information Collection
Upon visiting our website, our web server automatically recognizes the domain name of the visitor while respecting privacy by excluding email addresses when feasible. We collect information including the domain name, email address (if available), email addresses from bulletin board posts, email addresses of individuals communicating with us via email, email addresses of participants in chat areas, aggregated data related to accessed or visited pages, and specific user details pertaining to page visits. Furthermore, we gather voluntarily provided information, encompassing survey responses and site registrations.
Usage of Collected Information
The information collected is used for internal review to enhance our website’s content. Following the internal review, the data is promptly discarded.
Contacting Us
For any inquiries about this privacy policy, feel free to contact us via email at or by telephone at +1(604)369-1619
Changes to Privacy Policy:
We retain the right to modify this privacy policy. Any alterations will be posted on our website to maintain transparency regarding the information collection and its utilization.
Effective Date
This privacy policy is effective as of 09-September-2023. Please periodically review this policy for updates.
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